The TV series Secrets of the Viking Stone, a documentary series shedding light on the role played by Viking explorers in Europe’s discovery of North America, premiered on Science Channel on Jan 3rd 2021. Åström wrote the original score for the the show that stars popular Swedish actor Peter Stormare (“Prison Break”, “Swedish Dicks”).
The American Runestone Soundtrack Album
The Soundtrack album for the TV series The American Runestone (Secrets of the Viking Stone in the US) is now available. You can watch the show on the streaming service Viaplay in Europe or Discovery+ in the US and the soundtrack is now available to buy and stream on Amazon and Spotify.
Read more about the soundtrack here.
Internment soundtrack album released
Åström has composed the original music score for the Albanian/American co-production Internment. The period piece feature film is directed by Kast Hasa and produced by Cinekast Production. Internment follows an Albanian family that struggles to survive the communist regime during the 1980s. The soundtrack album, released by MovieScore Media, is now available to buy on Amazon, iTunes, and other major online distributors.
A review of the soundtrack can be found here.
Mango Bajito score album released
The score album for the upcoming feature film Mango Bajito, directed by Juan Castillo and starring Elvis Nolasco (American Crime) and Danny Trejo (Heat) is now available for streaming on Spotify and as a digital download on Amazon and iTunes. Mango Bajito is a drama where three young people decide to kidnap the son of a rich family, and hide out in the wild mountains of the Dominican Republic – until everything that can go wrong, does. The director describes the film as “a homespun caribbean tale of greed, betrayal and justice by coincidence”.
Best Original Music Award at Vancouver Film Festival
Åström wins the Goldie Award for Best Original Music for the comedy Dude, Where’s My Ferret? at the Vancouver Island Short Film Festival in Canada. The film is directed by Alison Parker and stars Jedidiah Goodacre (Tomorrowland, The 100) and Mike Smith (The Trailer Park Boys).